Oskar Pernefeldt’s International Flag of Planet Earth

1 min

It has long been a matter of debate as to which flag should be the representation of the earth on a voyage to other planets. Oskar Pernefeldt of the Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm, Sweden, designed a new flag for the world as part of his graduation project and it’s already causing a stir online. The flag is a combination of seven interlocking rings on an ocean blue background, is stately but modern, and is illustrated with a stunning selection of images depicting humanity planting the flag on Mars and waving it at the World Cup. Pernefeldt describes it as follows:

“Centred in the flag, seven rings form a flower — a symbol of the life on Earth. The rings are linked to each other, which represents how everything on our planet, directly or indirectly, is linked.” “The blue field represents water which is essential for life — also as the oceans cover most of our planet’s surface. The flower’s outer rings form a circle which could
be seen as a symbol the Earth as a planet and the blue surface could represent the Universe.” The flag is designed with space travel in mind, pointing out that astronauts are “more than just representatives of their own countries”. The flag is therefore designed to “remind the people the Earth that we share this planet, no matter of national boundaries.

That we should take care of each other and the planet we live on”. The flag was designed with the help of companies including LG and BSmart, and Nasa appears to have been involved to some extent too according to the project’s website — though exactly what they provided for the design isn’t clear.

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